This is some shit Phipps and Myles did with me for now its here!
So last year and earlier this month Damien Alzidan, Dj Fort, Myles Shupe, Chris Kurr, Taylor Etchison and myself took a 5 day skate trip to Albuquerque, New Mexico. So i thought it would be sick to have Myles interview our friend and tour guide, Jacob Jonhson. I knew Jake from when i lived in LA about 2 years ago. It was tight to see him and all the other homies from back in the day and to spend 5 days getting sick clips in the crazy place they call the "Bu". Enjoy.Jacob Johnson Interview by Myles shupe
For those who may not know, let's get your age, how long you've been skating, and your sponsors? Alright i like where you're going with this. I'm 21 fuckin years old. I've been skating since middle school and right now i ride for a shop out here in ABQ, Skate City and Odeus hooks it up with clothes and boards..
Is it true you got kicked off Workshop for calling Bledsoe out on 'fake steez'? You're a god damn fool if you think anything about that steez is fake..and NO that's the taller JAKE JOHNSON...I'm like 5'7.
Oh my mistake, so what's the deal with green chile? Why does it have its own section of the food pyramid for you fools? Man i feel bad for anyone that doesn't know about GREEN CHILE!!okay okay like its like veggies meet chronic then roasted diced and thrown on anything! Everyone out here digs that shit for real.
What's the craziest thing you've ever done with green chile? Hahahahaha craziest thing I've ever done with Greens...? We make chicks deep throat that shit all the time....It's normal nowadays.
Backside Boardslide ph:David Jojola
What exactly were you thinking when you tried to switch ollie El Toro? Was it the green chile? Well to tell you the truth there were a few different things that played factors into all that. Maybe a lack of Green Chile because they don't have it everywhere in Cali, i think i remember passing the blunt that day..i prolly shoulda ripped it.. It was my homie Burny's last day in the states till he went back to Germany and i guess i just thought I HAD IT!

Tummy Tuck
Most people would kill to go to Europe at least once in their life, and you went.. What.. 4 times in one year? What was that like? I got to go out there a few time in 08' and once in 09' and I'm super thankful for that opportunity. Odues hooked it up so good on those trips we got to go all over Germany a few places in Spain and some other countries i was BlackedOut on most of it but i got some footy peep and look out for my part that I'm finishing up for them.
To me, being away from home for more than 10 days seems fucking outrageous.. Would you ever want to spend another 30 days in a different country? I don't remember how long that first Odeus trip was to Germany but on some real shit after three weeks you start missing the smallest shit!! HOT CHEETOS, fuckin legit drinks, Green Chile for sure ICE! those fools out there never had ICE, Americans, AMERICA...I missed everything and everyone but i do have some great friends out there in Europe.
This is off topic, but, why the fuck are people always gettin stabbed up in the ALBQ!?
From now on call it The Bu, or ABQ or 505. ALBQ isn't workin for me...that's prolly why most get stabbed people say that shit wrong.hahaha
If I move to Albuquerque will you protect me? What!? move out here we'll have so much fun!!!! And shit i don't get tripped on but this is FEEYTOWN thats why. People know there place out here tho..
Backside Noseblunt ph:David Jojola
If I move to Albuquerque will you dump your girlfriend for me? Dude i don't know! i really like the girl i got right now if anything we can share her...ill take mon. wed. fri. sun. you get the rest. hahaha jk (sorry meg if you read this but myles is a cool dude!)
Enough homosex. Will you sign one of your ads for me? Thats pretty HOMO aren't you like 23? i ain't shit!
Give our readers a crazy story about you and Nick. Hahah OMG i don't even know where to start.i guess a good one that happen recently okay sit down for this one...we decide to shroom while my GF drives us around the city...about 45min into on the freeway nicks tire pops megan is driving I'm trippin balls nick and stormy are in the back seat..we ditched that car got picked up and drove around for another 3hours...and that story ain't shit! Get me a beer and a jay and you'll hear some shit.
Am I the only person that would rather watch Alfred do a hardflip on flat than Bryan Herman do it down MACBA? That little fucker has a mean one..i enjoy watching
On New Years I realized your step brother Larry is a pretty crazy dude.. You want to give us a recap of New Years '10? FUCK YEAH Larry is so down! that fool showed all you fools what time it was. none of you guys could hang with us pretty much. okay so we start the night off at Drey's drinkin beer we bounce go down to the valley to Larry's. that dudes got a ice chest full of jungle juice i kick that shit over Larry bust out the shotty and we bucked shots off...oh yeah and i blacked out around the time i kicked over the jungle juice.IDK why they handed me the shot gun?
So, do you have any plans for 2010? Fuck yeah get money fuck bitches...M.O.B.
Frontside Feeble ph:Florian Hopfensperger
Think you can pencil me in to let me draw you? It will be 10 times sexier than that scene from Titantic. IDK what you're talkin about you talkin about that boat again weren't you talkin about that shit while you were out're ship sunk long ago
This is a lot fucking harder than it seems, so give us your thank yous and shout outs. Yeah i feel you...But lets start this off with thank you for your time.FeeyTown, mitch an alex at odeus, dave jojola, shea and dave at the shop, satan for getting me to where i am coolaid pouches, blunts, shrooms, the dogs, girls, and ummmm my skateboard for giving me life support.
Thanks to Jacob, Dre, Amanda, Ricky, Alfred, Ryan in Amarillo and anyone else i forgot for making this trip the adventure it was. See you fucks soon. Dont forGET YOUR KICKS.