Text: Jake Da Jeweler
Photography:Alex Jaquez /Wes McGrath
Nate drinks Beer and Rides Bikes. And is a Cousin to ALLAbove: Hate Bikes
Heights or The West? Heights all day
Jack&Coke or Coke w/Jack? Neither Lord Calvert straight
Los Altos 5years ago or present day LA? Has it changed at all in the last 5? Still a bunch of drunk sph's, MAD beer and weed i LOVE it. I mean who wouldn't?

(chill with) Kenny or Youngster Ass Girls? Umm Kenny is always around Youngster Bitches so chilling with Ken you get the best of both worlds. Fuck I'm going to JAIL!
Frontier or Taco Cabana? They both suck but if I'm drunk I'd rather eat Taco C. HANDS DOWN!
Bunny Hop or Fakies?hahah! I Tre Flip on the daily

Roller Blades or Skateboard? Skateboard NO doubt. I think i LOVE watching good skateboarding rather then BMX
DREADS or Braces? Dreads. I LOVE me a Rasta!!
Lisp or Big Bottom Lip? Lisp. I gotta say there is something SEXY about a girl that has a lisp.
Fall Off the Ride or Ride Off the Fall? RIDE OFF the FALL! That's the story of my life
Park or Street Spots? I LOVE BOTH. But there is nothing like a good STREET SPOT!
RED or GREEN? RED on the side. I'm a pussy
Nate schmate. I take shits cooler then that d-bag.
yes yes yes nate is a d-bag! almost as bad as his cousin kenny on being a creep
haha you guys are dumb as fuck nate is a badass and pulls mad bitches and kills bikes and skates better then most ppl in abq
naa that fool nate is actually dumb as fuck. the only thing he knows how to do is ride a bike and drink. everyone is cool with him but that fool will fuck you over in no time
its funny how these anonymous pussies talk shit.i bet these kids wouldnt say that shit to his face.but Nate must be doing something right.Getting a interview on a skate blog and hes a biker. that says alot.And people are cool with him because hes a badass guy.kids dont know shit.
its called hate bikes for a reason......dumbshits.....
kennys still a major creeeperrrr
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